Apache Karaf 2.2.9

The Apache Karaf team is proud to announce a new version on the Karaf 2.2.x branch.

The 2.2.9 version is a major bug fixes release.

We fixed 52 issues in this release, and we are inline with our release cycle (around every 2 months).

Especially, it includes:

  • Work with the latest JRE/JDK 1.6.0 and 1.7.0 updates: some changes in the Java Virtual Machine resulted to issues in previous Karaf releases. It’s now fixed in Karaf 2.2.9, allowing Karaf to work with Java 1.6.0_33 or 34 for instance, but fixed in Karaf itself and an upgrade to Aries Proxy 0.3.1.
  • New OSGi frameworks: this release upgrade to the latest minor versions of the OSGi frameworks, especially Apache Felix Framework 3.2.2.
  • Dependencies minor version updates: in order to fix several minor issues, some dependencies have been upgraded (javax.mail 1.4.5, ServiceMix bundles, etc).
  • Stopping the shell console doesn’t stop the OSGi framework: previously, when you stopped the Karaf shell console bundle, it also stopped the OSGi framework. No, the bundles are no more coupled, allowing you to stop the shell console but let your application bundles running in the OSGi framework.
  • MBeans and shell commands are consistent: some options present in the shell commands (for instance, -c and -r options in features:install command) were not present for the same action using MBeans. Now, you can find the same options in both commands and MBeans.
  • Features installation optimisation: Karaf now avoid to resolve the same bundles many times when installing features in cascade. It improves the features installation time.

You can have more information and download this release here:


Now, we are working on Karaf 2.3.0 and 3.0.0-RC1. Karaf 2.3.0 should arrive very soon.


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