Apache Karaf Cave preview
During the Karaf birthday concall, the Karaf team launched the idea of implementing an easy to use OBR (OSGi Bundle Repository) server, and extending it to provide a Karaf Features Repository (KFR). Welcome to Apache Karaf Cave 😉 Cave is an Apache Karaf sub-project. The core OBR is a service (RepositoryAdmin service) that can automatically install a bundle, with its deployment dependencies, from a repository. Cave is a work in progress in the Karaf Sandbox SVN. I think it’s time to provide an initial overview about what we can do with Cave. Cave already provides the following features: – Storage: Cave includes a storage backend to host the artifacts. The default storage is a filesystem. We designed the Cave backend to be plug and play. This means that you can implement your own storage backend. For instance, I hope to provide implementations to store the bundles into a database, a LDAP server, or use directly a Maven repository manager as Apache Archiva. – OBR Metadata Generation: Cav