Website mashup with Apache Camel
Mashup ? You are browsing on some websites and you see an interesting information, that you want to poll to be used into your system. Unfortunately, you don’t know the website provider, and you don’t know if a “plug” is provided, for instance a WebService. So you have to find a way to get the information. Using Camel You can create a Camel route looking like: <route> <from uri="timer:fire?period=2000"/> <setHeaders> <constant>POST</constant> </setHeaders> <to uri=""/> <unmarshal> <tidyMarkup/> </unmarshal> <setBody><xpath>//span[@class='date']</xpath></setBody> <to uri="log:blog"/> </route> Here, every 2 seconds, we access to to get the HTML source. We can eventually provide some parameters (with POST method here). On this HTML, we use tidy markup (fro